
What being a mother has taught me

Being a mother is the greatest gift and I am honored that God has chose me to steward two little humans that trust me to give them care, comfort, and guidance until they one day grow up and be adults. Being a parent doesn't come with a manual or instructions on how to raise your children because every child is different. You have different personalities, wants, likes, dislikes, needs, and so on. My son, Blake is so kind and caring of others, he's always been this way since he could talk. He is very thoughtful about others needs and anytime he gets something he always makes sure to look out for the interest of others. I always loved this about his personality being thoughtful of others needs. The Bible teaches, "do not merely look out for your own personal interest, but also for the interest of others." Philippians 2:4  My daughter, Olivia has a lot of courage, she loves to takes risk. Always daring to do something new like I remember when she first decided to climb the stairs. As mothers' we know how risky it can be allowing our 1 year old or crawlers to climb the stairs alone. One day she caught me off guard taking care of some house chores and before I knew it, Olivia had climbed the stairs all the way up to the top without any assistance. She is so fearless. At home we have a baby gate we placed at the bottom of the stairway so she would not climb up the stairway. My son, Blake 4 years old at the time would climb over the gate if he needed to go upstairs to his room so I wouldn't have to remove the baby gate. After doing this a few times, I did not notice Olivia was nearby watching his every move on how he would climb back and forth over the baby gate. So one day, baby girl decides to take the risk by trying to climb over the baby gate. Her first attempt she tried, but didn't get far because I was nearby watching her every move and came over and swooped her up so she would not get hurt. A few other times she tried to climb the baby gate, again I stood nearby as I watch and when I felt that she was putting herself at risk of getting hurt. I came over and picked her up. She is not afraid to take risk when it comes to doing new things. This has always been her personality, doing things without being afraid. The Bible teaches, "do not fear, for I am with you, do not be afraid for I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will also help you, I will uphold you with my righteous hand." Isaiah 41:10


I remember when I first found out I was going to be a mother. I was nervous and afraid, when I took my pregnancy test because I did not know if I was quite ready to step into the role of motherhood. I did not know what to expect. I remember buying the book, "What to expect when you are expecting?" It's like the book you are recommend to get when you have not a clue what to expect as a new mother. If I can be honest, I cannot remember anything from that book. One because I only read probably a few pages into the book and I've never had the chance to finish reading it. I recall their were a few times I did go back to look up certain information like "what to do when you have heart burn?" or "Is it safe to eat seafood or fish while pregnant?" these were just common questions new mothers would typically ask. It was just overwhelming with information for new mothers to be. But it was useful when I had time to go look up information or questions I had about being a mother. There is a lot of information that goes into writing self help books. The authors goal is to grab the attention of the reader to help them engage in the information they are going to read. Not only grabbing their attention by what information is shared, but also sharing helpful information to help the reader understand this book has their best interest in the information they need. Just like the self help book, "what to expect when you are expecting?" how the information written in this book is given to help mothers' like me to navigate through pregnancy. These are stories and experiences shared by mothers' who've shared similar or different experiences about pregnancy. Stories collectively written in this book are about mother's who were once nervous or unsure about becoming a mother. And these awesome mothers' are sharing what they experience because they are looking out for the interest of those new mothers' who have not a clue what to expect during pregnancy.


When I think about being a mother today, it gives me so much joy to know that I have two beautiful children I am forever grateful to be called their mother. God has revealed so much about my identity in motherhood. God has shown me how much patience I need to have with my children. God has shown me how to be intentional with my time and how I spend it with my children. These are "wonder years" literally speaking and they are growing up so fast, so the time I spend with them is very important in how they grow up. The Bible teaches, "train up a child in the way he should go. Even when he grows older he will not abandon it." Proverbs 22:6  I am my children's first teacher. What I teach them today will impact them in the future. My relationship with God and Jesus will also reflect the relationship I have with my children. It is my calling to be a good steward of God's Word and how I reflect God's goodness is being obedient servant to His Word.


"Her mouth speaks wisdom and loving instructions is on her tongue. She watches over the activities of her household and its never idle. Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also praises her: Many women have done noble deeds, but you surpass them all!" Proverbs 31:26-29 


God has appointed me to be a mother because He has already equipped me for the woman I read about in Proverbs 31. This bible verse is so encouraging to me when I read it. This verse has taught me what a mother should look like to her children. God holds me accountable to how I nurture them in my household and how I steward them to walk as children of God. I'm still learning and growing in my role as a mother. My prayer is always be open and honest about who I am, show forgiveness when I am wrong, be graceful to my children when I am wrong. Always remember that my actions and words should always reflect His Word. Teach my children about God. Teach my children about Jesus. I pray He will continue to teach me to always love on my children, have joy when I am always around them, be patience when chaos or difficulty arise, always put the interest of them first before myself, never be afraid of taking risk when things look difficult and always have faith that God is working out all things for our good.


In honor of my Mother who raised me and my siblings as a single parent. Thank you for everything you have taught me, your unconditional love to always do what you understood what was best to raise the woman, "mother" who I am today. You are truly appreciated and loved. Forever grateful for you.


I love you, your daughter, Anetria. 







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